امروز شنبه 06 مرداد 1403

سینتکس مربوط به آزمون های تعقیبی فریدمن


سوال اصلی در آزمون های مانند فریدمن بررسی معناداری تفاوت در میان رتبه های مختلف است و سوال مربوط به آزمون های تعقیبی مناسب است. برای فایق شدن بر این مشکل می توان از syntax زیر استفاده کرد.

* Post-hoc analyses for a Friedman test of mean ranks in dependent samples
*         see Schaich & Hamerle (1984) and  Conover (1971, 1980) as cited by Bortz, Lienert & Boehnke (2000, p. 275)
* Author:
* Timo Gnambs
* URL: http://timo.gnambs.at
* Last modified: 2004-06-04
* Literature:
*    > Bortz, J., Lienert, G. & Boehnke, K. (2000). Verteilungsfreie Methoden in der Biostatistik. Berlin: Springer.
*    > Schaich, E. & Hamerle, A. (1984). Verteilungsfreie statistische Pr-fverfahren. Berlin: Springer.
*    > Conover, W. J. (1971,1980). Practical nonparametric statistics. New York: Wiley.
* Instruction:
* Modify the two passages titled "Configuration 1" and "Configuration

select if($casenum = 1).

/* START Configuration 1 */
* Load demo file.
get file = spss_friedmanph.sav.
* Significance level.
compute #alpha = 0.05.
* Number of variables to compare.
compute #varcnt = 4.
* Sample size.
compute #sample = 5.

* Maximum number of allowed loops.
* This value must be greater than the sample size (#sample), else SPSS produces errors.
set mxloop = 500.

/* END Configuration 1 */

compute #chisq = idf.chisq((1 - #alpha), (#varcnt - 1)).
compute #t = abs(idf.t(#alpha / 2, (#sample - 1) * (#varcnt - 1))).
write outfile = friedmanposthoctmp / #chisq #t.


/* Load data to matrix */
read sig /file=friedmanposthoctmp /field = 1 to 16 /size = {1,2}.

/* START Configuration 2 */

* Load variables to compare.
get m /file=* /variables var1 var2 var3 var4.

/* END Configuration 2 */

/* Ranked data */
compute #rnked = m.
loop #i = 1 to nrow(m) by 1.
compute #tmp = rnkorder(m(#i,:)).
compute #rnked(#i,:) = #tmp.
end loop.

/* Sum of ranks */
compute #sums = csum(#rnked).
compute msums = #sums / nrow(m).

/* Rank differences */
compute mdiff = ident(ncol(m),ncol(m)).
loop #j = 1 to (ncol(m)) by 1.
loop #k = 1 to #j by 1.
compute mdiff(#j,#k) = msums(#j) - msums(#k).
compute mdiff(#k,#j) = -mdiff(#j,#k).
end loop.
end loop.

/* Critical rank difference */
compute cdiff = sqrt(sig(1,1)) * sqrt((ncol(m) * (ncol(m) + 1)) / (nrow(m) * 6)).
compute cdiff2 = sig(1,2) * sqrt((2 * (mssq(#rnked) - mssq(#sums) / nrow(m))) / (nrow(m) * (nrow(m) - 1) * (ncol(m) - 1))).

/* Print results */
print /title 'Post-hoc analyses for Friedman test'.
print /title 'Author: Timo Gnambs '.
print /title '----------------------'.
print ncol(m) /format = f8.0 /title 'Number of variables:'.
print nrow(m) /format = f8.0 /title 'Sample size:'.
print msums /format = f8.2 /title 'Mean rank of variables:' /cnames m.
print mdiff /format f8.2 /title 'Mean rank difference of variables:'.
print cdiff /format f8.2 /title 'Critical rank difference (Schaich & Hamerle, 1984):'.
print cdiff2 /format f8.2 /title 'Critical rank difference (Conover, 1971, 1980):'.
print /title '----------------------'.

end matrix.

/* Delete temporary file */
erase file = friedmanposthoctmp.

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